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Jurrungu Ngan-ga [Straight Talk] pictures

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Jurrungu Ngan-ga [Straight Talk] description

Brimming over with sadness, anger, joy and steely resistance, Jurrungu Ngan-ga is a deeply affecting and urgent work by one of our nation's most innovative dance theatre companies that confronts Australia's shameful fixation with incarceration.

This breathtaking new work connects the shockingly disproportionate levels of Indigenous Australians in custody and the indefinite detention of asylum seekers in Australia’s immigration detention centres.

★★★★1/2  Astonishing

Sydney Morning Herald

Jurrungu Ngan-ga, translated from Yawuru as 'straight talk', takes inspiration from the words and experiences of Yawuru leader Patrick Dodson, Kurdish-Iranian writer and former Manus Island detainee Behrouz Boochani, and Iranian-Australian scholar-activist Omid Tofighian.

Blending movement, music, soundscape, spoken word and projection, Marrugeku’s unique intercultural work reflects the impact of government-sanctioned brutality. The company’s exceptionally talented dancers evoke dark aspects of the Australian psyche, drawing on cultural and community experience to move deftly between horrific surrealism, truth-telling and stunning physicality.

With dark humour and courage, Jurrungu Ngan-ga interrogates our capacity to lock away that which we fear and shines a light on new ways to resist.

The Sat 11 Mar, 2pm performance will be followed by a free Q&A.

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Youth & Education

Schools tickets are available, including subsidised tickets for Category 1 - 4 schools.