With Dominic Guerrera and Alison Whittaker / Poets include: Natalie Harkin, Colin Kinchela, Tyberius Larking, Luke Patterson, Latoya Aroha Rule and Ellen van Neerven
NANGAMAY MANA DJURALI (Dream, Gather, Grow) details
NANGAMAY MANA DJURALI (Dream, Gather, Grow) pictures
NANGAMAY MANA DJURALI (Dream, Gather, Grow) description
Join Dominic Guerrera and Alison Whittaker as they share everything that queer and trans First Nations poetry has to offer. Local and interstate poets from the NANGAMAY dream MANA gather DJURALI grow anthology will perform and yarn over their explosive and nourishing work. Poets include: Natalie Harkin, Colin Kinchela, Tyberius Larking, Luke Patterson, Latoya Aroha Rule and Ellen van Neerven.
Presented by Writers SA in partnership with BLACKBOOKS and Australian Poetry.
Please note: Unfortunately, Steven Lindsay Ross has had to withdraw from this session.